Friday, September 5, 2008

The Beautiful Rainy Season

The emails asking if we’re still alive have started, so we know we’re overdue for a blog entry. Nothing is wrong here; the only problem is that despite being in the rainy season, the weather has been wonderful. Temperatures have been quite pleasant both during the day and at night, and even though we’re getting a shower every day or two, at least part of every day is beautiful. On the day we took this picture we were intending to take a ride to visit the Barton Creek Outpost, but after touring Mark’s orange grove to see if anything was new there, we heard rumblings of thunder and saw dark clouds moving up from the south. We hightailed it home instead of going to Barton Creek, but it never rained. That’s been happening frequently enough that we ignore the storm clouds and stay outside playing rather than working on the computer to do things like updating the blog.

Last week however, Selwyn and I did that and had a bit of a scare. The group from Dangriga was coming to trial ride on Saturday, so we were trying to get a head start cleaning up the horses. I was grooming Tony, and had found a spot on his ear that I wanted Selwyn to look at, so I called him as he was walking down the driveway with the bolt cutters in hand. The sky had been rumbling for a while, but I just ignored it as usual. As Selwyn was looking at Tony’s ear, I was combing his tail with a metal comb. Suddenly there was a simultaneous flashboom, and I saw the lightening strike somewhere between where we were standing outside the tack shed and the road. Selwyn dropped the bolt cutters, which had zinged him, and jumped back about three feet, I dropped the comb, which had zinged me, and jumped back about three feet, and Tony jumped back about three feet, no doubt attempting to drop his metal shoes which had probably zinged him. Scary! Needless to say Tony was off the hook for the rest of the grooming job and Selwyn and I found things to do inside.

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