Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Beautiful Afternoon for a Ride

We’ve had such beautiful weather here lately that I even managed to get Tom out on a midweek ride. Lodo is big enough now that he can go on a short trail ride, so we saddled up Nessa and Tony.

Recona was spayed on Saturday, and she has no trouble keeping up. Nessa was just starting to work again coming back from a leg that was injured before she even came here, when she had Lodo and earned another month and a half off. And Lodo is only a month and a half old, but Tony still brings up the rear as he stumbles and ambles along. At least it makes for good picture taking opportunities.

This was Tom’s second trail ride in three days because we took a long ride through the Mountain Pine Ridge on Sunday.

On that ride, we saw some coatis and a Great Tinamou. You can see the original of this picture here.

Then, back at the ranch, Tom spotted a Little Tinamou right in the yard off our porch, which looks just like the Great Tinamou but less than half the size. Read about them here. We spotted the Great Tinamou scurrying down a jungle path, and the Little Tinamou scampering through the yard, and Tom commented that both of them look like avian rats due to their gray color and the way they move along the ground.

Tom has also been walking up the road to the gate in the morning, and one morning he heard a lot of crashing in the jungle. He didn’t get a clear look at what was making the noise, but he saw a couple of large, gray animals in the bush, so he thinks they were tapirs. The tapir is the national animal of Belize, and while we’ve seen them in the Zoo, these are the first ones either of us has seen in the wild around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You baby horse looks like he's falling right in line! That's great.
When Phil was camping up in the Maya Mountains he saw a tapir and the size of it scared the dookie out of him!