Friday, January 27, 2017

Clearing the Property Lines

Every year about this time, as the rainy season wanes and the dry season approaches, we realize we need to clean our property lines. A few of our lines border farm fields, and we have learned the hard way that after the farmers harvest their crops, they burn the fields, and if our lines aren't cleared during the dry season, the fires will run on to our property. It is hard work with lots of dead fall, especially after a year with a hurricane, as well as very tall and sharp grass. But, a chance wildlife encounter with a boa, as well as the peace of mind that we won't be battling a forest fire in a few months, makes it well worth it.

Property line, before clearing, with the farm field to the left.

Clearing part way through the tall grass.  That's Julio at the end with the grass over his head!

Boa in the grass

Boa being safely relocated, jungle side

Cleared property line looking the other way

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